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[23 Sep 2009|09:41pm]

Someone needs to put Lavender in her place or else I will have to make Crabbe do it. And I am really not that opposed to playing with myself, but think it could be more fun for someone else to jump in.
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[09 Sep 2009|05:32pm]

Hey guys. I'm afraid I'm going to have to quit. School's already started and I haven't slept in days, giving me little time to roleplay. I'm going to pull Daphne now and hopefully get some sleep, but I'm sorry if I've let you guys down. Daphne hasn't been a strong muse for me very lately, and I'm sorry for that.

♥ Bijou.
your dark mark
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[30 Aug 2009|08:18pm]

Sorry for flooding the journals!

Sorry guys :/ Just trying to get everything set up for Hogsmeade for my kids, cause I totally forgot yesterday. Anyway, they should all be completed shortly, but I'm mainly posting about the birthday thread. Dunno how you guys was to handle it, but I thought we'd make two parts? One for the prep and another when Terry, Mikey and Tony show?

Please let me know if you guys have any other ideas?
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[22 Aug 2009|10:26pm]

Hey everyone. There's no easy way to say this, again, but after a lot of thinking and with everything going on in my life right now I've decided to taking a hiatus from role-playing. Which means that I have to say goodbye to all the six games that I'm in. I thought by narrowing it down to a few would help but yeah..

I'm really sorry to be leaving but I really think it's best. I love the lines I had with people and I will definitely miss it.

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[21 Aug 2009|10:36am]

Hello all! I just wanted to let you know from tonight until Monday I will be MIA. I am off to visit my aunt and uncle at their beach house and wireless doesn't exist there. I'm not even sure my aunt and uncle own a computer themselves, so yeah.

I'll try and catch up with everything before I leave tonight, for sure.

If anything super important pops up during my little hiatus and you think Celia or Clement would be involved, include them. I don't mind one bit.

Alright. I'll be back Monday!

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ATTENTION DA MEMBERS [20 Aug 2009|09:45am]

Righto, so we have a week to get that long awaited Hogsmeade DA supply list thing going. Hogsmeade is scheduled for the 29th.... soo if people are still interested let me know. I'm going to be posting a big "note passing" list in the next few days if you lot are still motivated.

For the sake of keeping everyone on the same page could you comment here and let me know what's going on with your character's involvement in the DA. I know some are forgoing a "recruiting thread" and just saying they're a part of the DA group already. Others are waiting to be asked, etc. Whatever the case may be it'd be great if you could comment here with your character's current status on the situation.

Also, Gryffindors (Zoey, Andrew, Celia, and Demelza) if you'd like to be recruited in a thread in the next few days I'm making a list of who Neville's going to approach with "serious business" and the like. Perhaps a group thread if you lot were interested in it?

The Ravenclaws seem in good hands for sure. Hufflepuffs! I'm trying really hard to find you guys an ERNIE! Ernie players I know have dropped off the face of the planet --- you should pimp for him too! I'd say that it'd be easier if you lot who want to be recruited just say you've been recruited until we get one? That sounds fair! I don't know how Amber!Mod feels about it....but yes...check with her first. But let me know what yer plans are!

The end
Amber (Neville/Millicent)

edit: list of who's where )
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Out of Town [19 Aug 2009|11:35am]

Just a heads up, I'm leaving Thursday night for Franklin, NC to visit Grams. Wireless reception barely exists in the mountains, so I won't be on until Monday when I come back.

Please don't forget about me, Seamus, or Greg while I'm gone ;D
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[18 Aug 2009|02:36am]

I'm terribly sorry to do this to everyone but I've decided to drop Shaelyn. Right now I really want to focus on Morag because I feel like she has a lot more going on than Shaelyn does and I really want to work with Morag a lot more than I have been. I hope everyone understands. :]

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*PSST Quidditch Captains [17 Aug 2009|03:51pm]

Did we ever decide on who the team quidditch captains were? I think we should.
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[09 Aug 2009|09:51pm]

So! Shaelyn is in need of a thread! Any takers? Look at that adorable face, how can you possibly resist?! :D
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